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Plein Air Watercolour Painting

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A two-day introduction to painting with watercolour en plein air in the Gallery Gardens, taking inspiration from Berthe Morisot's unique painting techniques. 

Artist Educator and Art Therapist Alice Davies will lead an introduction to painting with watercolours exploring the ways in which Berthe Morisot experimented with free and fluid mark-making, and applying the trailblazing Impressionist's techniques to our own artworks, taking further inspiration from the serene gardens of the Gallery. 

The workshop also explore a brief history of Berthe Morisot’s unique vision, within the context of the male dominated impressionist movement, and considers the ‘female gaze’, through which she portrayed her intimate, strikingly honest, portraits of women. 

The workshop ticket price includes entry to the Berthe Morisot: Shaping Impressionism exhibition and a set of Winsor & Newton Watercolours for you to take home.